The following Perl script inserts html links for a list of key words
in a html file. In the example used here, the link will be pointing to
the Entrez PubMed of NCBI. Here is a web page
before and after inserting linkes to PubMed.
# This program adds PubMed links to selected keywords.
#input name of the file to be read from command line
$infile = @ARGV[0];
#input name of the output file from command line
$outfile = @ARGV[1];
#remind user there is no input file
if(!$infile) {
print "No input file.\nUsage: perl infile outfile\n";
#the array of keywords, change to your own
@keywords = ('Alzheimer', 'statins', 'degenerative brain disorder');
# For each keyword, it will be replaced by
# <a href= " keyword"> keyword </a>
# url for the Entrez PubMed page
$baseUrl = "";
#read the input file if given
if($infile) {
# open inputfile
open(IN, $infile) or die "can not open $infile\n";
#read the file
while( $line = <IN> ) {
# join all the lines in the file
$content .= $line;
close(IN) or die "can not close $infile\n";
# remove extra blank spaces
$content =~ s/\s+/ /g;
# insert link for each keyword
foreach $keyword (@keywords) {
$linkcode = "<a href=\"".$baseUrl.$keyword."\">".$keyword."</a>";
$content =~ s/$keyword/$linkcode/g;
#if output file name provided
if($outfile) {
open(OUT, ">$outfile") or die "can not open $outfile";
print OUT "$content\n";
close(OUT) or die "can not close $outfile";
# else print to screen
else {
print "$content\n"