Antibiotic stocks
- Ampicillin (50 mg/ml) in water, filter sterilize, store in -20 °C.
Working concentrations 20-125 mg/ml.
- Kanamycin (25mg/ml) in in water, filter sterilize, store in -20 °C.
Working concentrations 10-50 mg/ml.
- Tetracycline (10 mg/ml) in 50% ethanol, store in dark -20 °C.
Working concentrations 10-50 mg/ml.
- Chloramphenicol (25 mg/ml) in ethanol, store in -20 °C.
Working concentrations 25-175 mg/ml.
- Streptomycin (10 mg/ml) in water, filter sterilize, store in -20 °C.
Working concentrations 10-50 mg/ml.
- Carbencillin (50 mg/ml) in water, filter sterilize, store in -20 °C.
Working concentrations 20-60 mg/ml.
- Hygromycin B (100 mg/ml) in water, filter sterilize, store in -20 °C.
Working concentrations 50-100 mg/ml.
1:1000 dilution of the antibiotic stocks is frequently used for liquid
media and 1:500 dilution is frequently used for agar plates.