Edited by Chang Zhu
I. Pouring X-gal plates
1. Melt or autoclave medium-agar.
2. Let it cool down to 55 °C.
3. Add X-gal (5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-D-galactopyranoside in DFM)
(and antibiotics) to the final concentration of 20 mg/ml.
4. Pour plates.
II. Pouring top agar plates
1. Pre-make bacteria plates without X-gal.
2. Melt or autoclave medium-agar.
3. Let it cool down to 55 °C.
4. Add X-gal (5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-D-galactopyranoside in DFM)
(and antibiotics) to the final concentration of 20 mg/ml.
5. Pour a thin layer of agar medium on top of the pre-made plates.
III. Spreading
1. Dilute X-gal (20 mg/ml) stock to 2 mg/ml with DFM.
2. Spread 100 ml per 10 cm pre-made plate.
3. Allow plates to dry.