Virtualab Protocols (Chang Bioscience)
1. Clones (e.g. EST) are frequently stored in 96 well plates. If master
plates are low density bacterial cultures, incubate master plates sealed
over night at 37 °C. This step is not necessary if the master plates are high
density bacterial cultures.
2. To prepare replicate copies of the master plates, prepare sets of
96 well round bottom plates and add 100 ml of
LB/10% glycerol containing antibiotics.
3. Spin the master plates briefly (1000 rpm for 2 minutes).
4. Inoculate each well with 5 ml of liquid culture.
6. Cover the inoculated 96-well plates with lids, seal with parafilm, and grow overnight at 37 °C. These will
be the working plates
7. Freeze working plates and store at -80 °C.