1. Run a protein polyacrylamide gel.
2. Submerge the gel in the Commassie blue stain solution in a box with lid (e.g, an empty pipet tip box).
Microwave on high for 1 min, then shake 10-20 min.
Commassie blue stain solution
Coomassie blue stain solution can be reused for serveral times.
3. Destaining in several changes of de-staining solution until
protein bands are clear. Microwave on high for 1 min and shake until
the bands emerge clearly from the background.
Put a small sponge in the destaining solution to absorb coomassie blue
dye particles.
De-staining solution
1200 ml
800 ml
Acetic Acid
200 ml
4. Gel can be photographed under white light, stored in the destaining solution, or dried.